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Book Details
Sri Sahasranama
Author: Sri Sankaracharya
ISBN: 9788171204205
Binding: Paper Back
Publishing Year: 2007
Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math
Number of Pages: 0
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INR 90.00
About Book
This litany of a thousand names of Vishnu, far from being sectarian, brings out the universality of the Divine and so is eminently fit to be chanted by every one, irrespective of the religious denomination to which he or she belongs. One of the meanings of the word Vishnu is 'allpervasive', and the "Vishnu Sahasranama" aims to bring the devotee closer to the Ultimate Reality that is at once Personal and Impersonal. The very fact that Sri Sankaracharya, who always soars in the empyrean of Non-duality, has chosen to write an eloborate commentary on this "Sahasranama" is proof positive, if proof were needed, of its magnificence and profundity. When the Divine appellations are chanted with an understanding of their deep implications, their sweetness is all the greater.
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