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Becoming Che : Guevaras Second And Final Trip Through Latin America
Author: Carlos Calica Ferrer
ISBN: 9788187496809
Binding: Paper Back
Publishing Year: 2009
Publisher: Leftword
Number of Pages: 185
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INR 275.00
About Book
Ernesto 'Che' Guevara went on a trip through South America with a friend, Alberto Granado, in 1952. The account of that journey is contained in Che's classic "The Motorcycle Diaries". What is not so well-known is that Che took to the road again the following year, aged 25, this time with Carlos Ferrer, affectionately called 'Calica'. As Che was to recall later, 'That departure so full of people, intermittent crying, the strange gaze of the people in second class staring at all the fine clothes, the leather jackets, etc., gathered to send off two odd-looking snobs loaded with luggage. The name of the sidekick has changed from Alberto to Calica, but the trip is the same: two free-spirits spanning out over South America not knowing exactly what they're looking for or which way is north'. "Becoming Che" is an account of how Ernesto, the 'snob', became the quintessential revolutionary, Che Guevara.
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