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Book Details
Cambodia 1975-1982
Author: Michael Vickery
ISBN: 9789747100815
Binding: Paper Back
Publishing Year: 1999
Publisher: Silkworm Books
Number of Pages: 369
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INR 1240.00
About Book
Cambodia 1975-1982 presents a unique and carefully researched analysis of the Democratic Kampuchea regime of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge (1975-79) and the early years of the People's Republic of Kampuchea (1979-89). When it was first published in 1984, the book provided one of the few balanced and reasoned voices in a world shocked by media reports of incredible brutality. Now, 15 years later, the book remains unsurpassed as an original historical document bringing a new interpretation based on the earliest primary sources - interviews with the Khmer people themselves. "The most comprehensive and definitive political history to date of the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia.
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