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Book Details
The Inner World : A Psychoanalytic Study of Childhood and Society in India
Author: Kakar, Sudhir
ISBN: 9780198077152
Binding: Paper Back
Publishing Year: 2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Number of Pages: 272
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INR 445.00
About Book
Hailed as the best application of psychoanalysis to Indian culture, The Inner World looks closely at social roles, traditional values, and customs to reveal important aspects of Indian society, myths, rituals, fables, and arts. Over the years, the book has continued to influence many: from students and scholars of social psychology, cultural studies, and sociology to anybody interested in the psychology of Indian imagination. With a new prologue by the author, this Oxford India Perennials edition bears testimony to the book's enduring popularity since its first publication in 1978.
About Author
Sudhir Kakar psychoanalyst, novelist, and well-known scholar in the fields of cultural psychology and the psychology of religion. He has taught at several universities in India and abroad, and is currently Adjunct Professor of Leadership at INSEAD, France. Kakar's sixteen books of non-fiction and four books of fiction have been widely translated.
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